At one of my jobs, many years ago, and in a land far away (queue Star Wars opening credit sequence), I realized that those who talk long and loud are likely to be seen as some sort of visionaries by their management.  I recall one such incident in a hallway where a coworker was chatting to someone, and said, “There’s a lot of mining activity out there and we need to be part of it”.  This was just when a member of upper manager was strolling by, and I could tell that this struck a chord (probably an A minor…) with that manager.  That man will go far, I can imagine that manager thinking to himself.  I have a good imagination.  This coworker was too timid to make a marketing call with me, saying that we needed to hire marketing people for that.  How’s that for a dichotomy? If you talk long and loud, you just need to do so at the right place and at the right time so that the right people hear it.  I have seen a few of these long and loud talkers and they seem to always rise up in an organization.  They can be complete gas bags, but they’ve said the right things at the right time in front of the right people. 

Let me make this very clear: I am not speaking of Tall Poppy Syndrome.  Kim Morrison wrote a beautiful essay about that, which you can find here:  Please go there and read that now.  I’ll wait.

You’re back.  Good.  Tall poppy syndrome mostly refers to strong (mostly) women who are highly motivated and have the intelligence to rise in their ranks due to their abilities and capabilities but can be seen as being overbearing, high maintenance or even a b!tc#.  Tall Poppy Syndrome is a real thing that often demeans the very people who should be absolutely shining in their professions.

I’m talking about wind bags who repeat or mimic words and phrases they learned from others in an attempt to bolster their own career.  You know who I’m talking about.  If it’s you, then please give it a rest.  We are tired of your performances.  You are tiring. 

I’m reminded of another former colleague of mine who once told me that when you shake things up, it can be difficult to tell the scum from the cream, because they both tend to rise to the top.  The people who talk long and loud can often rise to the top. 

Heck, toot your own horn and let it be known what you have done and what you have accomplished.  You need to be your own best advocate.  But don’t be that wind bag who says meaningless garbage and repeats things others have said just so it falls on the right ears.  Be real.  Be you.    

Comments (2)

  1. Dawn Corlis

    February 11, 2025 at 11:11 am

    Wow! Return of the Blog! We’ve all known or worked with these people . Their existence is a Bain for any organization. They value themselves above others and think the world would crumble without them. They are masters of the intentional slight and clearly have pulled the wool over the eyes of their superiors. Nice job of calling them out. I’m sure they are thinking silently of how to best you!!

    • admin

      February 11, 2025 at 12:53 pm

      It’s interesting how often these people pop up in real life. I think I’ve known at least a half a dozen who fit the definition.

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