Is this a trick question? No. The answer is simple, but the reality isn’t. I know there are all the good things like compensation, time off, insurance,[…]
This is part 2 of my assessment of “Design Paradigms: Case Histories of Error and Judgment in Engineering”. It was written by Henry Petroski who teaches at[…]
We’ve all had them. Whether you call them eureka moments, epiphanies or whatever, we’ve all had them. My son had a professor who called it toilet philosophy. […]
Passion. It is what you get out of bed for on a Monday morning. I know, it’s not always there. But if you want to live your[…]
Mining has been going on for a long time. How long? Well, that depends on what you call mining. According to Wikipedia, mining is the extraction of[…]
The other weapon we have in our quiver is the review process. The Standard refers to various types of reviews, all of which are important, and all[…]
In the previous way of doing things, a limited (or no) alternatives assessment was completed. For example, most commonly, an area near the mill was identified early[…]
Let’s discuss risk further. Risk is defined as the product of the probability of an event occurring and consequences resulting from the event. Risk analyzes are a[…]