A couple of days a go I was fishing on my little pontoon boat.  I wasn’t having any luck, even with my luckiest lure.  I decided that I would try a lure that I’d never used on this lake.  I had to remove two of the hooks and flatten the barb on the remaining hook.  That’s the rule on this lake.  I’d only ever caught one fish on this lure, and that was shore fishing on a different lake.  Just as I was landing that fish, the fishing patrolperson pulled up, and we chatted for a while. 

This allusion reminded me of golf.  Many golfers remember lots of their shots on the golf course like they were yesterday. 

If I were to prompt my dad, “Dad, remember when you played golf at the Saint Andrews course?”  He’d respond, “Do you mean the Royal and Ancient course?”  “Yeah, that’s it.  Do you remember the bunker that was so big and deep that you had to shoot the ball the wrong direction to get out?”  “Yeah.  That bunker was called The House.  What about it?”  “Well, Dad, what club did you use right after that?”  And I’m convinced that he would remember. 

So, I got this lure in place.  I don’t know what it’s called.  It’s long and silver, wider at the front than at the tail.  It’s slightly curved and has a green stripe.  I cast it out a few times, thinking that I’d try it for a few minutes, since I’d only ever caught one fish with it.  After a couple of casts, I hooked something big.  It was that bright palomino trout that was in a previous LinkedIn post.  It was so fun pulling it in, and I had to show it off to my neighbor.  Now I think this is my favorite lure.

So how is fishing like golf?  We’ve covered that.  We all have our memories of the best times.  Why is fishing like golf like life?  Isn’t it obvious?  You get life experiences and memories to last a lifetime. 

Now get out there and fish!