A lot of times geotechnical engineers speak of a friction angle as if it is simply a strength parameter. But is has a physical meaning. Can you[…]
When I worked for engineering consulting firms, their management and human resources staff would, on occasion, become keenly interested in promoting the concept of a work/life balance. […]
This brief (poorly captured) video really inspired me. [oddly you can only find the video on my LinkedIn post, at https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bryan-ulrich-08634b13_termination-determination-i-was-inspired-activity-6747225223629828096-Qs-w] This NFL player (De’Vante Bausby) was[…]
A few days ago, I had my fifth eye operation. All went well. The first surgery was to repair a detached retina which was caused by a[…]
I was recently asked to write a testimonial for an upcoming book being published by SME. The book is titled, “Mine Tailings Perspectives for a Changing World”. […]
Be it Zoom, Webex, Go To Meeting, Teams or whatever, a remote platform smells as… sweet? This certainly seems to be the new normal, and necessity being[…]
In November my former coworker, Andy Rudy, and I will be presenting at the 23rd International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, a Virtual Conference. You[…]
When I first started using LinkedIn, I had no idea what it was really for, except for “professional networking”, whatever that is. That was many years ago. […]