This brief (poorly captured) video really inspired me.
[oddly you can only find the video on my LinkedIn post, at https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bryan-ulrich-08634b13_termination-determination-i-was-inspired-activity-6747225223629828096-Qs-w]
This NFL player (De’Vante Bausby) was let go 13 times by various teams. Along his way, with all of these dismissals mounting, I could imagine even his closest friends and family had tried to get him to give up on his dream. That is a lot of dismissals. He was very single-minded and focused on his goal. Go get ‘em De’Vante! Prove them wrong!
There are a lot of dismissals happening in the mining industry and elsewhere this year. For context, when I was in college, I had a job at a mechanic shop. Because of a misunderstanding I was let go by the manager. Sometime later, I was let go at a different job by a very small-minded manager. I kept my chin up and I have lived my dreams.
To anyone out there who was displaced due to COVID-19, I am very empathetic to your situation. Keep your chin up, and don’t give up. Do what you reasonably can to live the dream. You gotta keep moving forward.