As I was saying, I began to develop a slope stability model. What is a slope stability model, you may ask. Well, it’s pretty much what it sounds like. Some[…]
A website provides a database of world-wide tailings dams failures from 1915 to present ( That website indicates that they support global research in tailings failure root cause, loss[…]
On January 25, 2019, the Córrego do Feijão Dam 1 collapsed at the Vale iron ore mine near Brumadinho in Brazil, releasing 11 million metric tons of[…]
WHEN A TAILINGS FACILITY FAILS When a tailings facility fails, lives are impacted; families are impacted. When a tailings facility fails, the environment suffers; communities can be[…]
In about 1996 or 1997, when I joined Toastmasters (which I highly recommend to anyone who needs to speak in public), my first speech to that group[…]
In April of 2015, I had the distinct pleasure of delivering a talk at the New York city’s chapter of the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration. […]
Unlike most water dams, which are typically constructed in a single campaign, a tailings storage facility (TSF) is most often constructed in a number of campaigns, over[…]
The initial stage of mining starts with the process of finding and the exploration of the mineral deposit. Prospecting is a small-scale form of mineral exploration. Prospecting[…]