Was he born into a life of privilege?  

It matters very little.  His story would be the same.

And stories he does have, if only he could share more.

During a time of war, he signed up to defend our nation.

When he returned, he worked for his father.

It was there that he met his future bride.

But moss couldn’t grow on a rolling store.

Soon he took a job in the world of business.

And once children came, he worked a second job too.

I thought I grew up into a life of privilege.  In many ways I did.

We never were left wanting.  It seemed like we had it all.

Looking back, maybe it was a bit humbler, but just a bit.

So many amazing memories.  I’d never give up any.

And especially when it comes to the holidays, I always want to say:

“Here’s to you, Dad.  To a life lived well”. 

Comments (2)

  1. Pete Kowalewski

    December 21, 2022 at 9:22 pm

    Very nicely said Bryan. I certainly reflect back on my experience growing up and the example set by my father, never explicitly stated but led by example, hard work, determination, and always there for his family. A nice memory this time of year. Thank you for sharing. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    • admin

      December 22, 2022 at 10:05 am

      Hi Pete. Many thanks. Happy holidays to you too! I think I had a really balanced childhood with work and play, and in a loving, caring household. But I never enjoyed taking out the trash!

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